Models wanted for Bridal/ Wedding Dress Fashion Shoot in Sundbyberg

In search of a range of models (different ethnicities & different size women) for Bridal Fashion Shoot.

Shoot is unpaid, just for TFP. Photos and SOME videos which you can use freely afterwards. Shoot time is short so models should have experience and be relaxed and untuituve behind the camera. Shoot vision is an old factory with draped fabrics from ceiling.

Unpaid- TFP photos.
STOCKHOLM- Sundbyberg
Ages 25-35
Sizes 36-38, 38-40, 42-44
Dresses are long so models must be at least 175cm tall

Would like to show, as always, diversity so am looking for a range of looks.
Multi-racial aswell as blonde, light skinned.

Talented Bridal photographer and MUA from SVT also a part of the team. We will have a fun shoot but also work hard!

Please only apply if you are a serious applicant, we cant have any last minute cancellations. Everyone is working for free towards the same vision so its important to respect everyones time and end goal.

Please message with some example photos or instagram link.

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